Monday, March 14, 2011

Resoucres for DIY brides

So, here is a list of some of my favorite places to find your items, be it decor, or catering supplies, or even dresses! Any bride on a budget needs to know about:

Wedding Bee- my number one resource, I have gotten most of my decor items here, and my own dress! This is a group of other to-be (and some just-did) wedded folks who talk about (and sell) their wedding stuff. Go to classifieds to search for items for sale, or post your wanted ad!

Etsy- filled with great crafters making custom and unique items. I might be biased, since I sell there too (shameless plug for my awesome eco-friendly store!) but truly, there are some amazing finds there. Even if you are looking for supplies for your own crafts (such as one of my favorites, Theresa's Plants and More where I got most of the moss I use for my own items) there are so many great sellers.

WebRestaurant Store- I bought many of the items for our buffet setup here. The prices are very reasonable, and they variety is super- they even have some of the sustainable disposables by Bambu.

I also have a number of other resources for more of the eco-friendly green wedding items I purchased, I'll be sharing these soon!

I (almost) D.I.Y Do,
