Monday, September 13, 2010

Wedding Food... the good, the bad, the ugly

Ahh, wedding food... we've all had it. And wished we hadn't! It's a sad fact of life, but most of that "it-cost-them-$50-per-person-for-this?" food is been-done, (shouldn't have been done) and taste-less instead of tastes great.
When I found out Mr. Shelley was going to propose, I immediately started thinking about the food. I knew almost without thinking about it that I would make the food myself. (I've said caviar taste on PB&J budget, right?) I love food, and have always been just about obsessed with it. I never wanted that chicken-or-beef kind of wedding, I wanted food that would be different and personal. I had originally considered doing either a buffet, or family service, but decided on... a tapas reception! (Otherwise called heavy hors d'oureves.)
I just think the idea of having people mingling around, nibbling and picking at different little bites. Next I'll be sharing my so-far menu, and some sites with great tips on DIY catering. And, coming soon... some awesome guest posts from some already-done-that real brides on having your DIY day!

I diy DO,

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome to our Wedding…

I am so happy for this blog to be making its entrance to the big, wide world-wide-web! I am in the beginning of planning my wedding, and (probably like many of you) find myself in a tight financial situation. Unfortunately, I have caviar tastes on a PB&J budget! What's a girl to do? Well, obviously, some compromise will occur, but while I will be giving up some things, for the most part my sacrifice will be time. I love doing all sorts of crafts, decorating, and most of all, cooking. So, I will be doing these things- all of them!- for my own wedding. Crazy? Yeah, most likely. But we already knew about that. Still, I hope on our wedding day, we (me and my wonderful fiancé) will be able to look at each other and know it was worth it. This is the journey of our personal, handmade, and frugal! wedding.

I d.i.y. DO (in 9 months),
